The previous aims can be found in this post.
The updated aims have shifted around but the keywords remain the same or similar.
Aim One:
To understand the efficacy of VR as a storytelling medium for te ao Māori and pūrākau.
This has shifted to look more deeply into whether or not VR is as good of a platform to experience and learn from as I think it is.
Aim Two:
To consider how evocative the two perspectives are and what that does to the player's experience.
Aim two has had the most drastic change of the three, moving towards player experience and the two different perspectives that will be in the game. It still deals with evocation (as it is one of the newer keywords but has always been present) but I want to see if the meaning behind both perspectives comes across innately or whether it has to somewhat be explained.
Aim Three:
To investigate the use of environmental storytelling and wayfinding to see its influence on player navigation through a space.
The final aim hasn't changed much, just taken out some things and swapped others around. This is the broadest aim as it's covering level design, audio and visual wayfinding, and how well the story has been put together in the space.