*Title is a WIP*
ChampagneFish was the original working title of the art gallery I had planned on creating for my Master's project.
The purpose of ChampagneFish was to create an interactable Virtual Reality (VR) art gallery game. It was the extension of work I had previously done (under the same title) for my Bachelor of Design final project in 2019.
This has since changed, so there is currently no working title.
The project has shifted to a te ao Māori lens, focusing on pūrākau (Māori storytelling/myths and legends) and visualizing them in a VR medium. The game's main story is the story of Hatupatu and Kurungaituku, the birdwoman. The story comes from Te Arawa, one of my iwi (tribe(s)), and is about the meeting of Hatupatu and Kurungaituku. There are multiple different versions of this story, I have selected four that portray both as good and evil. There are other versions I have read and/or heard that pose no influence on the game's narrative but are simply interesting to know about.

VErradia Beren
Nicknames: Verr/Verren/V
Pronouns: They/Them/Their
I am currently completing a Master of Design after completing my Bachelor in Digital Design in 2019, majoring in Game Design.
I am a Non-Binary Māori Game Designer (a work in progress).
This site acts as a blog for my Master's as well as an online portfolio, albeit a small one.