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examples of work


The first image is one of three that are taken from my final project in my Bachelor of Design. This one is inside the "Water Room". It is an evocative piece, evoking a sense of being underwater, yet on top of it too. Beneath the animated water are Fish with Human Legs. In this room they are statues. The main piece for this room however is the statue in the center. She is supposed to act as an underwater artwork, changed by time. 




This image is the installment in the next from following image 1. in the "Light Room". It just features the working title of the Virtual Art Gallery as a light feature, reflected on the floor.


Is a newer version of an extended room/corridor between two rooms. The corridor is of "Dirty Mirrors" (a Substance Painter, SP, material available in Unreal Engine 4). In front of a mirror is one of the Fish with Human Legs textured with the "M_Water_Opaque" material from SP, this material is animated, which is why it bobs up and down.

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Two images from a game I made in my first-year class in my Bachelor of Design. These images were background art in terms of appearance but were actually meant to act as art work inside an art gallery. This game was essentially the first step in creating a Virtual Art Gallery, then leading to my project for Masters.

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The final image is of a fantasy landscape I created in free time in an attempt to create landscape art.

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