Unfortunately, I was absent from this class as I had a conference to be at in another city, however, while away I did see the content mentioned for the class and the pre-recorded lesson from the previous year. The three main videos I watched were of definitions of paradigms in differing cultures. So the first video was on the dictionary meaning of the word and words associated with it (such as Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology). The second video was on a Hawaiian take of the word and its meaning in their culture, the words that they use. And the final was a Te Ao Maori take, where they talk about Turangawaewae or place of belonging through kinship and whakapapa (history).
The third video resonated with me most, as it was most relatable through my Maoridom, and helped me think about where my turangawaewae was, as well as my identity. This, for me, was housing I've lived in in the past, my nan's house down in Rotorua, my marae (Mangakaretu) in Putaruru, and its creek (Pokaiwhenua).
As I was away classmates filled me in on what they did during the lesson, which was starting to work on the Paradigm section of the Tree exercise. They also refined what their world views may have been.
If I use Te Ao Maori as the example for this, refining it may go into:
My Iwi
Maori Mythology
If I go forward, then say, with Maori Mythology, then I would need to expand again. And questions I would ask myself would be:
What do I want to cover?
Am I retelling stories?
Am I describing the deities and what they do?
Does this include the mythological creation of Aotearoa?
And, how would I incorporate this into my project?
Temptation at this stage could lead me to find a kuia to retell Pūrākau, a book on Maori myths and stories from contemporary writers.
Whether or not this was the direction the class took I am not sure but discussion amongst peers and even lecturers could remedy it.
The after-class exercise brought our aims back and meshed them with the paradigms and methodologies.
To consider if strangeness, the unnatural gameplay and feel, affects interaction and how evocative a strange object is.
Keywords Relevant to This Aim:
Strangeness, Gameplay/feel, Interaction, Evocative
(Methods) How will this aim be achieved through practice?
Prototyping, Playtesting, Virtual Reality
Describe the practice-based tools/processes you plan to explore to achieve this aim.
Iterative Design Process, MDA Framework, "Structuring Digital Game Stories"
Discuss the reasons why you have chosen these tools/processes.
Iterative Design Processes utilize constant creation and ideation, which is a good foundation in conceptualization.
The Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics (MDA) Framework discusses the differing perspectives of players and designers and helps to find the middle ground that generates meaningful play (and types of fun).
"Structuring Digital Game Stories" is a text on the use of Environmental Storytelling, something I think will be useful for the evocation of strangeness.
Strangeness is uncanny but flexible
Contexts that inform this aim:
My take on strangeness