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Writer's pictureVerradia Beren

Week One - Leaving the Familiar Behind

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

This class, Design Practice I, is about idea generation and, through creative practices, the exploration of preconceived notions about our research. In this we go over a new Method of Creative Thinking or 'Thinking-Making'. To start things off however, we introduced ourselves after being posed the question "Who am I as a Designer?".

So, Who am I as a designer?

As a designer I find that some defaults (automatic responses I have to problems/new things) I have are:

- Asking those around me what we are doing. This isn't out of a lack of listening, but rather affirmation that I'm going on the right track, and getting a surmised version of the task at hand.

- Read, then re-read. Make an understanding of it in my own words so that I can comprehend it in my own way.

- Ideation. Create something that I think is tied to what I must then create in the project/problem/etc.

My views on Collaboration:

- I have limited experience in working with others, especially in a good way. Not to say that it ended terribly, but it was just not as mutually beneficial as thought. Thus, I would like to experience more collaboration, and hopefully better ones at that.

Problem Solving, and me:

- As with one of my defaults, I like to read more, but take it a step further and research. If I can find out more about what I am dealing with I can find a more suitable approach and way of answering. If nothing else though, it can add to the knowledge/general knowledge I have of the subject.

Ways of Working:

- I work in a 'section by section' manner, that way things can be completed by the time they need to, in the order they need to. However, there are times where if I am unable to make progress I will move on, then cycle back refreshed or with better ideas.

Another question that was posed was, "Why do I design?"

- I design as a creative outlet per my passion for Game Design, creating something people could use to generate play or 'fun'. It doesn't always have to be the two but if I can an evoke an experience or create an outlet for that, then it is what I design for.

- It is also a place for me to generate, ideate, and manifest what I see in my mind's eye. It doesn't have to succeed for me to use the information I have collected in preparation and during the process.

As an exercise that will span the entirety of Design Practice I we must choose five words from a list of 25, this will help us in attempting to use the new Method of Thinking-Making. The words I chose, in order of appearance on the list, goes as such: tether, instability, scent, taint, mirror.

I have chosen these words for the feel and look of them, they caught my eye amongst the rest.

Tether /ˈtɛðə/


verb: tether; 3rd person present: tethers; past tense: tethered; past participle: tethered; gerund or present participle: tethering

  1. tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement. "the horse had been tethered to a post" Synonyms: tie, tie up, hitch, rope, chain, fasten, secure, bind, fetter, shackle, restrain Antonym: unleash, release

  2. use (a smartphone) in order to connect a computer or other device to the internet. "check if Wi-Fi access is free in the lobby or tether your phone"


noun: tether; plural noun: tethers

  1. a rope or chain with which an animal is tied to restrict its movement. "regulations banning neck and girth tethers for sows" Synonyms: rope, chain, cord, lead, leash, fetter, restraint, halter, lyam

Etymology: late Middle English: from Old Norse tjóthr, from a Germanic base meaning ‘fasten’.

Instability /ɪnstəˈbɪlɪti/


  1. the state of being unstable; lack of stability. "political and economic instability" Synonyms: unreliability, uncertainty, unpredictability, unpredictableness, precariousness, unsteadiness, insecurity, vulnerability, perilousness, riskiness, impermanence, temporariness, transience, inconstancy, changeability, variability, fluidity, fluctuation, rise and fall, rising and falling, chanciness, iffiness, dodginess, mutability, unsoundness, shakiness, ricketiness, wobbliness, frailty, fragility, flimsiness, insubstantiality

  2. tendency to unpredictable behaviour or erratic changes of mood. "she showed increasing signs of mental instability" Synonyms: changeableness, variability, capriciousness, volatility, flightiness, fitfulness, vacillation, oscillation, unpredictability, unpredictableness, moodiness, unsoundness, frailty, infirmity, weakness, irregularity, abnormality, erraticism

Etymology: late Middle English: from French instabilité, from Latin instabilitas, from instabilis, from in- ‘not’ + stabilis.

Scent /sɛnt/


  1. a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant. "the scent of freshly cut hay" Synonyms: smell, fragrance, aroma, perfume, redolence, savour, odour, whiff, bouquet, nose

  2. a trail indicated by the characteristic smell of an animal and perceptible to hounds or other animals. "the hound followed the scent" Synonyms: spoor, trail, track, foil, wind


  1. impart a pleasant scent to. "a glass of tea scented with a local herb" Synonyms: perfumed, fragranced, perfumy, sweet-smelling, fragrant, aromatic, aromatized

  2. Discern by the sense of smell. a shark can scent blood from well over half a kilometre away Synonyms: smell, get a whiff of

Translation: Māori


  1. kakara (stative) be aromatic, fragrant, sweet-smelling (noun) fragrant smell, scent, fragrance, aroma, bouquet, perfume

Words that end with 'scent': incandescent, effervescent, fluorescent, iridescent, ignescent, crescent, descent, ascent

Taint /teɪnt/


  1. a trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. "the lingering taint of creosote" Synonyms: trace, touch, suggestion, hint, tinge, tincture, smear, stain, blot, blemish, slur, stigma, tarnish, scar, black mark, spot, imperfection, flaw, fault, defect, blot on one's, escutcheon, discredit, dishonour, disgrace, shame something with a contaminating influence or effect. "the taint that threatens to stain most of the company's other partners"


  1. contaminate or pollute (something). "the air was tainted by fumes from the cars" Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, adulterate, infect, blight, befoul, spoil, soil, ruin, destroy affect with a bad or undesirable quality. "his reputation was tainted by scandal" Synonyms: tarnish, sully, blacken, stain, besmirch, smear, blot, blemish, stigmatize, mar, corrupt, defile, soil, muddy, foul, dirty, damage, injure, harm, hurt, debase, infect, poison, vitiate, drag through the mud, blot one's copybook, brand

ARCHAIC (of food or water) become contaminated or polluted. "the rennet should be soaked in water containing sufficient salt to keep it from tainting"

Etymology: Middle English (as a verb in the sense ‘convict, prove guilty’): partly from Old French teint ‘tinged’, based on Latin tingere ‘to dye, tinge’; partly a shortening of attaint.



1. (verb) (-a) to swamp, overcome, inundate.

2. (noun) types of karakia to affect a person's wairua.

3. (stative) to be soiled, dirty, sordid, foul, squalid, sleazy, filthy, polluted, infected. (modifier) soiled, dirty, sordid, foul, squalid, sleazy, filthy, polluted.

There are multiple meanings per the use of the word, this happens often with Māori as there are less words/double(+) meanings.

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