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Week One - Building the Kaupapa/Hunting & Gatering

Writer's picture: Verradia BerenVerradia Beren

Ko Maungatautari taku maunga.

Ko Pokaiwhenua taku awa.

Ko Mangakaretu taku marae.

Ko Te Arawa, me Ngati Raukawa taku iwi.

Ko Te Arawa me Tainui taku waka.

Ko Verradia Beren taku ingoa.

Contextual Review is the connecting of the Research Question to the Methodology, so the What is it that I want to engage with / achieve in my practice?” and the How do I conduct that engagement?” respectively.

Our very first class introduced us to who was there, what they hope to do for their Research Question and, if we know about it, what reasons we have for going ahead with it.

My research question is about creating a Virtual Reality (VR) art gallery game, as I know there are VR Games, VR Art Galleries, and Art Gallery Games, but there is a lack of the combination of them. I plan to create a space that has that interactable quality to it, but is able to generate play/'fun', trying to step away from just interactable art.

Keywords I chose in relation to what I hope to make into my Research Question are: VR, Art Gallery, Level Design, Unreal Engine, and Motion Sickness. These five words all correspond with what I plan to achieve with my thesis.

- The first two are essentially the main words as they are exactly what I look to explore.

- 'Level Design' is how the 'level' or 'area' is laid out for a game, so a game may have many levels/areas and in these areas will have the placement of certain objects with certain purposes. It can also drive the story, guiding the player to the next page/chapter in it. Level Design in my case, is just how I will layout the floor.

- The keyword 'Unreal Engine' is actually about the Game Making Engine I will be creating my project in. It is the medium essentially, because it has good graphics and lighting.

- 'Motion Sickness' refers to the nauseating feeling that the player can experience with forced movement. Like when in a car or on a boat and you feel discomfort at the travel that you are doing but inside a vehicle, you can experience it in VR.

The thesis I found for the Hunting and Gathering exercise we had to complete was "Your Mind Matters" by Patrick Hanna¹, completed in 2018 (below).

This thesis revolves around using VR to create mindful experiences within a therapeutic immersive environment. The connection and relation to what I would like to be my Research Question is mainly VR, but it also covers immersion as well as feelings it evokes. These are some of the things I'll be looking into myself just in a different context, so where Hanna's thesis is for therapeutic mindfulness, mine will be for experiential gameplay in a place that isn't usually associated with it.



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