The exercise in this class was to look at our Aims from the previous week and start to develop the makings of our research question, as bad and ugly as it may start off. To do this we were given four questions: What does this research project explore? (hunch, area of interest)
... by doing what? (reflecting on)
... in order to do what? (what is the main subject)
... so that... (what is the point/why are you doing this)
My first attempt at this was unsuccessful and with feedback was told that what I had was too much (each section had around four things listed underneath which left too much on my plate as well as too much to work with, leaving me "knackered" from the get-go).
After speaking with others I have come to a better understanding of what I can do and what I will do. In answering each category separately it ends up like this:
What does this research project explore?
... by doing what?
Evocation through strangeness
... in order to do what?
interact with a space
... so that...
As of now I still cannot place what the "so what" section would be about. Prior to this, when I still had the lists, the answer would have possibly been "to fill the gap between VR games and Art Galleries" or "gamifying gallery spaces". However, I feel as I continue with my research I am moving further from Art Galleries, further still from gamifying them, and so in turn my "why" is changing as well.
So far what I have as a question (without the "why") is as below:
How can I use VR to create a journey by using strangeness to evoke interaction within a space
In preparation for the Formative Assessment, we must essentially make a statement/discussion of our Aims, draft our research question (which luckily is above), and find a small set of keywords relating to our work (this should be about five words maximum). Included also must be a few images from our practice (experimentation or practical work towards our research project) properly referenced and a bibliography.
I have noticed that my current aims do not reflect the current draft question I have, they are still based on the former ideas I had for my question that left me stuck. These are being changed to something more cohesive but also not so broad that it would leave me stuck as before. The new aims are as follows:
To understand how Virtual Reality changes a player's journey in a space
To consider if strangeness affects interaction and how evocative an object is
To investigate if the player's experience influences how they play
Keywords for my project are:
Virtual Reality, Experience, Journey, Strangeness, Evocation