In this week's class we started abstract writing. Following a template provided we had to figure out how to make the abstract and then whittle it down into a smaller (100 words) paragraph. Below are pieces I sectioned everything into based on what it focused on:
This thesis focuses on the immersive nature of virtual reality (VR) and how it evokes certain reactions from players, following the words of Salen & Zimmerman (2004), and Grau (2003). By placing players into an environment with strangeness (peculiar happenings and uncanniness) 0
Current VR games and journeys convey much through environmental storytelling and explicit narrative.
Through constant prototyping and playtesting I can gauge where evocation lies, if play is generated inside the game, and whether
Virtual Reality (VR), Immersion, Strangeness, Journey, Play, Environment, Narrative
I was unable to follow the template as it confused me to no end, rather than clarifying what I can/should do. It did not help that the words were all highlighted (digitally), deterring my focus. Because of this, moving forward was difficult and it was hard to properly form anything for the abstract.