The end of year presentation was just a three-minute update on our theses and projects. While I created mine to be a direct update from the Zen presentation I realized that not all people in my group would understand what I was presenting. Below is the presentation.
What I'd failed to include was the explanation of what my project was (Research Question), what I had done for it previously (Methodology and Contextual Review), and how I'd gotten there. During the presentation itself, I quickly added it in somewhat haphazardly but it worked out.
Something to learn from this experience is to check who the presentation is with. While friends and the Digital Design cohort would have some understanding those not in these circles would be lost.
Points were brought up after my presentation was done that covered things I'd somewhat skimmed over.
1. One asked whether I would feature a voice over or some form of narration. My answer was that because I am using two different perspectives it was hard to say and that I have multiple different recounts of what happened in the story I couldn't stick to just one.
As each of the retellings has minute differences and all impact the story in various ways I would not be able to just pick one and use it as a script. I could create my own retelling of the story to suit how my project will portray it but I feel more comfortable with just a visual reinterpretation of it. It may feature subtitles/text that explains the story where necessary (to explain the scene's context) but that is to be decided.
2. The next asked if I would have models based on actual trees and whatnot. As we are still in lockdown I said that I would like to revisit the sites I managed to (as level 4 lockdown hit) and that are in my game to get the vibe of the place and also see what fauna is there.
Once out of lockdown and able to visit the sites I meant to/revisit the rock I'll be able to see whether I can fit everything into the scenes I'll have. This heavily relies on the free time to be able to travel around Rotorua. It is undecided when I will be able to go.
3. The last question was if the characters will have carvings/will the art have more detail to do with Māori culture. I said if I were to make it hyper/photo-realistic then yes but it would take too long on my own. It could just be low-poly models with painted on details. I just need to visit some places to see just how things have been decorated.
This, like number 2 would require being able to see the decorations in person, to appreciate it more, however, it is possible to just find images on google of the particular ways Te Arawa adorned their wares.